Day Of Caring Nonprofit Registration 2023
Wondering if your project might be a good fit for Day of Caring? Review the project hosting parameters below to find out! Please note all Day of Caring Project applications must be completed by March 24th, if you need assistance creating a project, have questions, or need help with the application please send an email to dayofcaring[at]
- Host organization must be a 501c3 nonprofit.
- Host organization and project site must be located within Erie County.
- Project must take place on June 21, 2023.
Special emphasis will be given to projects that are:
Hosted by organizations whose community impact work includes at least one of the following areas:
- Healthy birth outcomes
- Early learning and development
- Childhood obesity
- School-age learning
- Employment and workforce development
- Financial capability and asset building
- Trauma-informed care
Located in UWBEC’s 16 high priority zip codes, as identified in our 2021-2022 Investments RFP.
- The zip codes are: 14201, 14202, 14203, 14204, 14206, 14207, 14208, 14209, 14210, 14211, 14212, 14213, 14215, 14216, 14218 and 14220.
We're making some exciting changes to Day of Caring 2023. If you missed our Day of Caring Nonprofit info session please check out the recording below to find out what's new, what's staying the same and get some tips and tricks for planning a Day of Caring project!
Please take a moment to read and review these materials before submitting your project proposal.
Tips for creating great Day of Caring projects
Day of Caring Project Guidelines
If you are having technical problems with this form please email Kaley Donaldson: kaley.donaldson[at] and she will respond as soon as possible.